Years 3 & 4
Welcome to the Year 3 and 4 Class page.
Year 3 and 4 will be taught by Mr Travers, Mrs Sharp and Miss Maclagan
We are an extremely friendly class who work together, encouraging each other to do the best we possibly can. We accept and take on any challenge thrown our way and eat it for breakfast, making us the best class in school.
We have exiting new topics to delve into and explore including, Extreme Earth; Anglo-Saxons and Vikings; Habitats; Scrumdiddlyumptious; Ancient Egyptians and Saturday night at the movies.
Our PE days are every Mondays. Children in year 3 and 4 are to come to school on Mondays dressed in their PE kits and will wear this all day. For all PE activities, children must wear correct PE kit and have suitable outdoor trainers to take part. Children may wear blue/black jogging bottoms for cold weather conditions. Earrings must be removed by the child or have plasters provided. I encourage all children to have a water bottle at hand when taking part in physical activities and these can be stored in the designated area, at the back of the classroom.
Homework will consist of: Reading, times tables, spellings and challenges. Handed out every Monday and returned on Friday.
- Reading - The highest priority homework, one which I consider best for your child's learning and development. READ! READ! READ! I would encourage children to read at home, to an adult, for 10/15 minutes a day and for this to be recorded in their Reading Records, with a signature and/or a comment. Children's Reading Records are to be handed in everyday to be reviewed and used towards our Class Reading Competition. Children can read their own books at home or take one from school.
- Spellings - Children will learn a variety of spelling words during lessons including the statutory spellings for year 3/4. Spellings homework will use the Vocabulary Ninja Spelling Scheme, where they will learn and practise spellings with a specific spelling pattern. Children use the 'Look Cover Write' sheet in their homework book, completing a column a day. There are many other activities children can carry out to further their understanding and practice of their spellings. If you would like some ideas please ask.
- Maths - As part of the maths homework, children are to be encouraged to access Times Table Rock Stars. They have an account which they should access and practise at least 5 minutes every day. It is important that at the end of year 4, children should be fluent in their recall of multiplication and division facts. At times, children will be given extra maths homework to complete during the week. Children will be given some essential maths facts every half term to learn, practice and rehears.
- Challenge homework – Children can choose challenges from the Homework challenge sheet at any point during the course of the topic. These are more creative homework for the children to express themselves or to find out more about the chosen topic. Children will receive 2 Dojo points for every challenge they complete.
Kind regards
Mr Travers