Years 5 & 6

It has been lovely to welcome the children back after the Christmas break and they have all settled back to work really well.

This half-term, the children will engage in an immersive study of World War II. Throughout this topic, they will develop a secure chronological understanding of the events surrounding the war, including when and where it took place, as well as the factors that precipitated conflict between the Allied and Axis powers. The children will explore the various individuals, military, and civilian organisations that contributed to the war effort. This exploration will provide them with an appreciation of life for those living and fighting during this tumultuous period. Specifically, they will examine the significant impacts of the Blitz, rationing, and evacuation, as well as analysing how and why the Blitz and other critical battles represented pivotal turning points in the conflict.

In conjunction with their historical studies, we will be reading “Letters from the Lighthouse,” a historical mystery set during World War II, which will further enrich their understanding. We will be basing our writing lessons around this absorbing book. During computing lessons, the children will delve into the fascinating world of codebreaking at Bletchley Park, highlighting its crucial role in the Allied war effort. In Science we will be looking at the properties and changes of materials. The children will learn to identify, classify and group materials by their properties as well as carrying out investigations into solubility and separating mixtures. Children will also experience a range of reversible and irreversible changes, learning to identify which type of change is taking place in different situations.


Mrs Philippa Wakefield

Mrs Philippa Wakefield
Class Teacher Y5/6

Miss Kayleigh Breare

Miss Kayleigh Breare
Senior Teaching Assistant
